Chequing services today offer a whole lot more than simply providing the opportunity to pay for goods and services or access funds by writing a cheque. Whether you want basic, no frills chequing or a combination of chequing and other frequently used services, Community Credit Union can satisfy all of your financial needs. We also offer line of credit overdraft protection on approved credit.
With more Canadians than ever relying on contactless payments, Interac Flash® is increasing transaction limits to allow credit union members to make contactless purchases up to $250, and up to a cumulative total of $400, quickly and securely by tapping their Interac Flash-enabled debit card at debit machines displaying the contactless symbol.
Interac Flash® is a payment technology that allows members to make contactless purchases up to $250, and up to a cumulative total of $400 using their credit union debit card. All credit union debit cards are Interac Flash enabled and payments can be made in-store at any POS terminal displaying the contactless symbol.