Youth Savings Account
A special savings account designed for youth 18 years of age and under to teach money management including, how to save, spend wisely and successfully, and to financially prepare for the expenses of future education. Earns money with interest calculated daily and paid monthly at a rate of .15%.
YOUR Youth Savings Account aged 18 years & under
Account Features
No monthly fees
Pre-authorized debits
Direct Deposits
MemberDirect® online banking
TeleService® telephone banking
Mobile banking
Credit Union affiliated ATM networks (Surcharge-free access to over 2,700 AccuLink® and EXCHANGE® ATMs throughout Canada)
10 Free Interac® ATMs
*Minimum age required, otherwise may be available with parental consent.
® EXCHANGE is a registered trademark owned by FICANEX® and is used under license.
® AccuLink is a registered trademark owned by Credit Union Central of Canada and is used under license.
® TeleService and Member Direct are registered trademarks owned by Credit Union Central of Canada and are used under license.
® Interac is a registered trademark owned by Interac Inc. and is used under license.
® PLUS is a registered trademark of Visa International and used under license.